Toro NSN

Extended Central Controller System Support for Existing NSN Subscribers

Toro NSN’s e-Train for SitePro is an introductory-level training course on CD-ROM. With its release in November of 2002, it offers users who have not yet attended an instructor-led course, or users who have attended but who need refresher help, an opportunity to hone their SitePro skills and knowledge. It is written using the 1.1 version of SitePro, so the icons look slightly different than the icons in SitePro 2.x; however, the basics are the same.

Early comments from users show this product to be a great aid for every SitePro system. With the ability to learn at your own pace and begin your training on SitePro, the convenience of the computer-based training technology allows you to train at home or work. Demo CDs of the product are available by e-mailing or calling NSN Training, Murphy Rhoads at 888-676-8676 (press two for Training).

Computer-based Training Benefits:

  • Intended for the inexperienced SitePro user
  • Applies to all Toro central controller systems
  • Fits into your schedule and proceeds at your desired pace
  • Software simulation teaches “hands-on” skills
  • A natural first step until able to take an instructor-led regional class
  • Learn programming and daily use skills
  • Track your training progress, working towards a completion certificate
  • Available as an immediate and easy resource

Special Notes:

  • The e-Train for SitePro Computer-based training CD is available only through Toro NSN. Call for pricing, demo CD or information today!
  • For more information, demo CD, pricing and instructor-led SitePro class opening, please call our sales/trainig number at (888) NSN-TORO(676-8676) for Murphy Rhoads or e-mail at: