Local weather is where you are.

The Wireless Weather Sensor helps ensure you are watering at the right level and at the right time. Unlike weather data pulled from the internet that may or may not represent conditions at your location, the Wireless Weather Sensor provides real-time feedback where you are. With a built-in rain shut-off, the Wireless Weather Sensor will make sure you’re not watering when Mother Nature is taking its turn. Further, by combining real-time temperature and solar radiation with ten years of historic weather patterns for your location, the Wireless Weather Sensor automatically adjusts your watering schedule to get your landscape the right amount of water it needs to stay healthy and beautiful.


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You have the flexibility of placing the sensor across walkways, driveways or across the property without the need to run wires to it.

Install this sensor in minutes with no wires to route back to the controller.

The wireless weather sensor does not require any external data connection to operate. There are no monthly or yearly service fees required to have ET based weather adjustments based on local conditions.

Continuously monitors air temperature and solar radiation to generate watering adjustments based on actual local weather conditions.