Here are three copy guidelines to create a positive interactive and online experience.

Be concise
People read from a computer screen about 25% slower than they do reading from paper. So use about half the text you would have used in a print application.

Write for scannability
Online users generally don’t read streams of text fully. Instead, they scan text and pick out keywords, sentences, and paragraphs of interest. Structure information with two or three levels of relevant headlines.
  • Use headings or sub-headings to group content.
  • Write in short, but impactful sentences.
  • Use bulleted lists as they can be easier to read than paragraphs.
  • Include the most important information first, followed by secondary details.
  • Use an active voice when writing.

Improve Search
An important aspect of Search Engine Marketing is making your website easy for both users and search engines to understand.

  • Research keywords that people use to search for our products and plug into content locations.
       - Google Keyword Planner:
  • Use variability in keywords to capture all search possibilities.
  • Include alt tags on all images for improved search.