When the Toro logo is used together with the ‘Count on it’ tagline, it is referred to as the Toro signature. The logo and tagline should never be recreated.

Preferred placement of the tagline is to the right of the logo, as shown below. For certain situations, where the preferred treatment does not work, such as vertical banners, it is acceptable to use a stacked version with the tagline centered and spaced appropriately beneath the logo. The three approved options are shown.

Preferred Signature

The preferred (horizontal) version, which has the tagline at half the size of the TORO logotype, is most commonly used on applications.

Alternate Signature

A secondary (horizontal) version, which has the tagline at the full height of the TORO logotype, is typically used on external signage for better empasizing the tagline.

Stacked Signature

Al alternate (stacked) version can be used in narrow application, where the two horizontal layouts will not work due to space constraints.

NOTE: The 'Count on it' tagline only appears in English.